Code Of Conduct

Code of Conduct

The goal of Spartans Girls Basketball is to teach girls to play hard aggressive basketball. You as a parent are the most important role model for your child(ren). We ask that you please help us to maintain a positive, safe, respected environment.


-We will encourage our daughters to maintain the highest standards of sportsmanship on AND off the court.

-We will not coach our daughters from the stands.

-Playing time goals for players on Silver Teams is 40% of the tournament. Elite teams do not have playing time goals. 

-We will respect the 48 hour cool down rule, which is: We ask that as a parent you take at least 48hrs to cool down before approaching a coach with a problem regarding a game

-We will never question, discuss, or confront coaches at the gymnasium, but will take time to speak with coaches at an agreed-upon time and place.

-We will support our daughters regardless of victory or defeat.

-We will treat ourselves, the team, the opponents, and the referees with respect at all times!


-We treat the coaches with respect, just as you want to be treated o We arrive for practices and games on time

-We will notify coach if we are unable to make a game or attend practice

-We listen with an open mind to the coach

-Please do not undermine your child’s coach in the car ride home or at the dinner table. Subtle, passive aggressive comments like: “your coaches doesn’t know what he is doing” or “ I can’t believe you don’t play more” do not comfort your child (whether that is your intention or not). This enables your child to have a bad attitude and to make excuses; both, of which, are unacceptable

-We never criticize, blame or insult members (parents and players alike) of our team. We help them up when they fall and help them correct their mistakes without judgment

-We encourage all members of the team: cheer on everyone, not just some

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